

Another beauty blog.

Miles Turns One!

Miles turns 1 today! Although I'm super excited and happy for this milestone, I'm sad he's no longer an infant and already entering his toddler years. Time needs to slow down! He brings so much happiness and love into our lives. Every day is a new challenge but watching him grow, learn and discover the world around him warms and fills our hearts. I feel so lucky to be his mom. Happy Birthday Miles! We love you!

This past Saturday we threw a small party for him at our home. Thank you to all who came to celebrate with us! Miles had red velvet cake for the first time and the party was so exciting that he skipped his second nap!

miles first birthday
miles turns one
first birthday photoshoot

A sweet moment taken by my dad over Thanksgiving break in Laguna Beach. Mom and Dad love you!

And a special thank you to Erica who flew in for Miles' party and captured the rest of these beautiful pictures. We are so thankful to have so many amazing and loving people in Miles life.

first birthday

It was such a struggle to keep that party hat on!

Miles Month-to-Month
camp theme kids party

Love these girls! Auntie Katherine and Erica <3

My big kid who started walked a week before his first birthday. Real proud mom moment!

Thank you for all his birthday wishes! xx